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Grandma said that the girl, then nineteen, had been diagnosed with HIV, either from all the tar she shot Grandma had said, or all the men she serviced for a few nickels. She obviously meant it despite how difficult it was to get her to come. When I have relaxed enough, I try for a second finger, and in less than a minute, both are inside me, moving slowly. I moaned in ecstasy as it gave against the pressure of her tiny ass, then gasped as it pushed in and the rhythm of me fucking her ass as it fucked my pussy and us fucking each other slowly took shape. she said as SalmaMeyer porn gaze went toward the ceiling and she stopped thrusting. We were tempted but both agreed we should save up some energy for what was sure to be another fun night. I continued to cum inside of her ass, and she continued to shake. my wife whispered in a low, guttural tone I dont think Id ever heard her use.