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It did mean he had to go back outside and delay his normal weekend routine, but since he was still dressed he headed out the front door and made a quick trip to the store for beer and snacks. Him on top, me on top, doggies style…no ass fucking this time. Walking up to the woman, he reached down and pulled her MoreauTara porn her feet. I’ve always relied on my slender, MoreauTara webcam body to do most of the talking. Ken leaned forward and stretched out his now 11-inch black cock, resting the head just across Judis face. As I moved my hand to caress my sex, I rolled onto my back and spread my legs wide, allowing him to watch as I stroked my clit lightly before sliding my fingers deep inside myself. After a little while, he stopped, kissed me, and said, What can I do for you, Mama?