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I lowered her gently to the ground, where she lay panting, a look of bliss on her face. I was pissed at Cynthia because she had been lying to me since the moment I ran into her weeks earlier, and yet she was the one getting all possessive and mean. I cup your cheeks and pull you towards me, getting you an extra MarionDione webcam inch into my throat. Tamia groped for her now pitifully wrinkled shirt which lay in MarionDione porn heap near the coffee table. I heard him pull into the driveway and quickly jumped up to greet him at the door. After I was done, she laid on her side, with her back to me, and I pressed my hard cock against her behind I was naked by this point as well. I pushed it into her, putting pressure on her anus, and then pulled it out partway to stretch her asshole out. Cathy felt the brunt of the two of them inside her ass and she screamed.