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We spent more time relaxing in the sun and did a little swimming in the waves, with only a little grab ass under the water, before deciding to pack up and head back to the poolside café for a little lunch While eating lunch we learned that Anthony and Rachael already booked a snorkeling trip for the afternoon so we were LelaLove webcam to go our separate ways for the rest of the day. My fingers massaged her adorable clit for a few minutes while my cock continued to massage her ass. He looked at my now very moist pussy with an intense appreciative gaze. Their nude bodies were sweaty from their exertions, their flesh stuck to one another. She asked me to call her in LelaLove porn next day or so, so she could give me the details. Im too much of a professional to place anything above my own standards. Slowly but surely my cock disappeared into her ass until all of my 8 inches were inside, my balls pressing against her dripping pussy.