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I calmly instructed Martina to bend down there porn top of the pile of soiled clothing and to kneel down on her knees and then to lean forward so that the palms of her hands would plant into the cushion of scattered clothing on the cement floor. I got undressed too and she feasted her eyes on my six-foot-two, 230-pound, athletic Black mans body. She neednt fight that urge, for the next sensations were of another set of hands, holding her, keeping her in place and adjusting her position to maximize the exposure of her ass to the violation of it. I then realized that there was nothing I would rather do than lick this girls pussy. I watched her lovely breasts rise and I pushed, fascinated by the cock shape stretching inside her throat. It didnt take me long to get her naked on my bed with her fat ass in the webcam I pull your ass in the air and begin slowly shoving my cock into your vice-tight ass.