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As I started to push into her, she shoved her finger all the way into my ass and I erupted in a blinding orgasm, I guess some of which probably went up her ass but most of which went all over her crotch and into the sheets. Ellies most secret fantasies had involved ass play and anal for years, but HoneyLaura porn had she experienced it. Even today, as a 21 year old girl, still trying to explore and expand my sexual horizons, I have always found anal sex very pleasurable and exciting. I tiredly raise an arm…cleaning the two of you from my fingers. As Chris sodomised me, I took his nipple deep into my mouth and bit hard, the motion of our actions tried to wrench it from his chest. My reaction didnt allow any misunderstanding that I was enjoying this. He moved his hand HoneyLaura webcam her ass hole again, feeling the soft skin, wrinkled like paper and firmly shut tight. Sara managed to wiggle out of his clumsy hold, got up and ran back to the house.