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With practiced ease, he unrolled her panties back up her belly, undid the leg-cuff and re-fastened it around her free ankle. She was bent over the seat with him covering her back, his open cassock now covering them both, flapping quietly around their bodies, so that for the next forty-five minutes anyone who was able Goddesskage webcam see through the lowered shades from the carriage corridor would only see a mound of undulating black material, the coarse cotton of the folds of the black cassock rippling in the Goddesskage porn of what was transpiring underneath. My wife told me I had one of the most powerful orgasms, it was probably the combination of my buzz, being horny all night and his dick was the perfect size for my ass. This will teach you to cheat on me…Amy give it to him, Denise purred. The juggling of the plate and glass as you drink and nibble generally ends up with me dropping one or the other or, worse, letting crumbs or bits of food fall into my cleavage. We sipped the champagne slowly, and I leaned over to cradle her with one arm. She initially was shocked, but then intrigued, by the long, thick cock staring at her. “Oh, my God,” she whispered. “What are you going to do?” He reached under her, coating his hand with her pussy cream.