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Ive wanted you for so long now, Brooke, Brad softly confessed. Steeles dick, ElizabethLowry webcam knowing exactly what to do, as if it were something I was bred to do… I turned around and there was Ryan, standing at the back of the truck with his pants unbuttoned and unzipped.  He had pulled his boxers down just enough to allow his penis and his ElizabethLowry porn to hang over them.  I had never seen a penis before, well, I had on T.V and on the internet, but not close up.  Ryans cock seemed really big to me, the ones I had seen in movies and online porn were always good sized, but this seemed extraordinarily big.  I wondered if he thought I was just some scared little college girl from the mid-west who would turn and run at the sight of his gigantic cock.  So, I think I surprised him when I walked closer toward him and dropped to my knees. I tongued his balls for a minute or so before the main event. Pretty soon my condom-covered cock was up her and she was clutching me hard until I spewed the condom to overflowing.